Medical/Photo/Liability Release

Upon admitting your child/children to ELIM KIDS Ministry you will be asked to sign a release with the following information:

"We realise no activity is without the possibility of unforeseen hazards which could result in injury to an individual. As a parent or guardian, you are aware of your responsibility to instruct your child of the importance of conduct which will insure safety and an enjoyable time while participating in this activity. By signing this form you, as a parent, guardian, or other responsible party, agree to assume the risks and hazards which are inherent in this kind of activity. You also agree to absolve and hold harmless Elim Mission Christian Church (EMCC ) and its staff and volunteers for damage, loss, or injury to the child for whom you sign.

I give my child permission to participate in EMCC small groups/activities and give my permission to the leaders of this function to authorise or refuse any treatment deemed necessary by an emergency medical personnel due to accident or illness during this activity.

I further give my permission for the use of any photo or likeness of my child to be used by EMCC for their use in promotional materials.”