When we become Christians we turn away from running our own lives and embrace a new life with Jesus as our master. Anything that is dead gets buried so, in the same way, in baptism we symbolically bury our old lives and come up out of the water prepared to live our new lives for Christ.

Taylor publicly declared her decision to surrender her life to the Lord in July 2022.


Water baptism is the ceremony which symbolically expresses: a) The death of the believer to his life of sin (Rom 6:3; 6) b) His burial to the world (Rom 6:4; Col 2:12) c) His resurrection to a new life (Rom 6:4-5; Rom 6:8-11). Baptism shows that a person has died to the old way of life and has been raised to a new kind of life – eternal life in Christ (Matthew 28:19-20; Colossians 3:1; 2 Timothy 2:11). The resurrection from the water points to the Christian’s resurrection (Romans 6:1-16).

On Saturday 30th of April 2022 Jennifer, Shalesni, Clarissa and Ebony publicly declared their decision to surrender their lives to the Lord.